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Lucky DogsLucky Dogs

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Book Descriptions :

The paths of two women on opposite ends of a high-profile sexual abuse scandal set them on a devastating collision course.On a sultry summer night in Paris, two women meet on line at an ice cream kiosk in the Ile de la Cit?. One is tall, fair, striking, with an indeterminate accent. The other, a troubled American TV star, is hiding her beauty and identity under a shapeless sweatshirt, wearing sunglasses even in the darkness. When two leering male tourists hassle the pair, the blonde pulls out a knife and a sisterhood is born. Both women have been victims of male violence, and both are warriors--one trained and calculating, one instinctually ferocious. They each think they know who they are dealing with. But both are very, very wrong.In a story that unfolds with unexpected humor and the pace of a thriller, acclaimed novelist Helen Schulman lays bare what happens to women--no matter how fortunate they may appear to be on the surface--whose lives have been warped by brutality and .

Book Details :

Author : Helen Schulman

Pages : 336 pages

Publisher : Knopf

Language :

ISBN-10 : 61387985-lucky-dogs

ISBN-13 : 9780593536230


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